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How can the DNS cache be removed from Chrome?
1 year 1 month ago #142 by louisegrant
Anyhow of the operating system on your computer, there are numerous simple methods for clearing the Chrome Net internals DNS cache on your computer. If this interests you, here's how to perform a DNS cache flush.
1. Launch the Chrome web browser.
2. Type chrome://net-internals/#dns in the address bar and hit Enter.
3. Hit the button labeled "Clear Host Cache."
4. At this stage, clearing the flush socket pools is necessary.
5. Type chrome://net-internals/#sockets in the URL bar and hit Enter.
6. Click the Flush Socket Pools button.
7. Lastly, give Chrome a restart.

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8 months 3 weeks ago #1115 by kevinmartin
To remove DNS cache from Chrome, you can follow few simple steps. First, open a new Chrome browser tab and enter chrome://net-internals/#dns in the address bar. This will open the DNS Cache page.

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